Author Archives: Vignesh Eswaramoorthy

It’s time to stop faxing referrals – Why are we still faxing patient referrals?

One out of every three patients is referred to a specialist each year. These referrals are sent to specialists, imaging centers, etc., through multiple channels like phone calls, fax, emails, website forms, etc., and fax is the most commonly used channel. Despite the array of digital patient referral management software available in the market, health systems are still following the old school model of referring patients through fax machines and paper-based letters.  Ironically, there could be multiple barriers like the reasons listed below for not using the electronic referral communication software

  • Traditional workplace culture
  • Not having the right technology in place
  • Not understanding the software usage
  • Peers not using eReferrals 

Healthcare professionals need to understand the usability, security, and interoperability of the solutions available in the health IT market. Health systems need to adapt to more secure means to send and receive referrals. With that being said, Referral Management Solution is progressively vital for better patient experience and care coordination. Today, in most health systems referral workflows are poorly documented, insecurely sent and are not effective in providing quality care for patients.

Knowing the security consequences of maintaining paper-based systems and physical paper letters is critical – as they could be easily misplaced and accessed by unauthorized people. Some health systems still depend on their EMR to manage their referral process but they need to understand that EMR’s are not equipped enough to handle the end-to-end referral process. Health systems should understand the need of having a good patient referral solution.

Why do health systems need a good patient referral solution?

The healthcare industry is constantly scrutinized for inefficiencies in processes, systems, operations, etc. As a result, health systems are under more pressure to do more with fewer amenities. Inefficient referral processes lead to long lead times and are inconvenient to both patients and providers. A referral solution can streamline communication between the referring provider, receiving provider, patient and other healthcare providers, save time, enhance care quality and a lot more for both patients and providers.

Other Key Benefits of referral solution include

  • Reduced wait times for patients
  • Better referral tracking
  • Improved referral quality
  • Cost reduction
  • Enhanced operational efficiency
  • Secure transfer of patient information
  • Reduced referral leakage

Referral management solution is important for better patient experience, care coordination and to arrest patient leakage. Health systems lose millions of dollars due to referral leakage as every patient seeking care outside the network is lost revenue. Minimizing leakage is an increasingly key focus for many health systems. Health systems need to make substantial improvements in processing referrals efficiently, improve processes and invest in technologies. It is high time for health systems to stop receiving and sending unsafe fax referral and have a streamlined end-to-end referral solution in place.

A streamlined referral management solution has the potential to standardize the referral process, maximize efficiency in the referral process, and improve workflow through technology. Talk to our experts today and schedule a demo to understand more about our Patient Referral Management Solution.

Revenue lost due to patient leakage in hospitals and health systems

The last few years have been a tumultuous time for hospitals and health systems due to the high patient leakage rate. Even today, patient leakage is a key concern and remains an unsolved challenge in many of the health systems. Health systems are losing more than 20% revenue due to inefficient organizational referral processes, as a result, patients are opting to different care providers for their care needs. Identifying the gaps or latitude to go out of the system, and sealing this, is the basic step that health systems need to take in solving patient leakage challenge.

What are the main causes of patient leakage?

Here are some reasons why patient leakage happens

          Referring physicians refer patients to out-of-network providers

          Patients move out of the care network due to poor care coordination

          Unavailability of a specialist within the care network

Patient Leakage and its consequences

Though in most hospitals patient leakage is contributing to significant revenue loss, this loss is ignored, and not given much importance. Health systems and hospitals need to consider this leakage extremely important. Non-coordinated or fragmented care is one of the main reasons for patient leakage. The point is to emphasize on some damaging consequences patient leakage can bring on care quality and patient health outcomes.

Understanding the actual causes of this leakage and taking tangible steps to address this challenge is vital. It is the responsibility of the health system to track and manage patient referrals in a better way with a solution for tracking leakages and referrals. Otherwise, it can damage the health system’s reputation, undermine its brand value, and even jeopardize its competitive edge.

Challenges in processes that cause patient leakage

Streamlining different processes for different aspects is required for better overall operational efficiency. One such process that needs attention to arrest leakage is the patient referral process. Health systems need to adapt to solutions that will help seal this leakage. HealthViewX helps referral coordinators in health systems to manage patient referral efficiently and improve care, performance, compliance, and reduce leakage.

The current referral process lacks certain mechanisms to make this process effective.  Hospitals and health systems need a referral solution in addition to an EMR to solve their referral challenges especially referral leakage.

An ideal referral solution for hospitals should have the following features

  • Multi-channel referral consolidation

Health systems have multiple access points for patients and chances are that health systems may miss following-up with some referrals. The solution needs to consolidate referrals from multiple sources like fax, email, phone calls, online forms, etc. It should integrate well to bring all of these referrals into one single queue and ensure not a single referral is missed.

  • Secure exchange of information

A HIPAA compliant solution that supports the secure exchange of sensitive patient information among the care providers involved in patient care is a must. The provider should be able to attach documents securely at any time for one another’s reference.

  • Patient referral history

Both the referring physician and the receiving provider should have access to the entire referral history. All required information right from the time a referral is initiated and consequent diagnosis reports, referral status, etc. should be available at any point of care.

  • Scheduler Integration

Patient convenience is one of the most important factors in providing care. Scheduling appointments as per patient convenience and automated reminders for both patient and provider about the appointment is mandatory.

  • Dashboard and referral insights

The solution has to give complete data of the referrals flowing into the health system. The number of referrals processed, number missed and many more as per the requirement of the health system. These data analytics should give the practice a clear picture of how referrals are handled and where the leakage is happening.  

Speak to HealthViewX solution experts to understand more about HealthViewX Referral Solution features that will help solve some of the challenges in the patient referral process and increase revenue through effective tracking. Schedule a demo today!

Transform Your Care Practice With A Streamlined Patient Referral Process

It is imperative to transform your care practice to deliver value-based care. Promoting and exploring technologies for streamlining various processes is the way forward for improved care quality and care coordination. One such process that requires a transformation in care practices is the patient referral process which is still a tedious, fragmented, and time-consuming task for referral coordinators in many health systems. The conventional patient referral process (both inbound and outbound) results in more stress for the referral coordinators and poor patient satisfaction. This inefficiency in the patient referral process leads to frustrated referral coordinators, physicians, specialists, patients and health systems as a whole. Patients not showing up for scheduled appointments are revenue loss for health systems that are trying to keep their patients within the network for better outcomes.

Today’s patient referral process makes it hard for patients to get the care they need, and healthcare facilities the visibility they need in the process. Additional challenges like lack of communication amongst providers, appointment delays, no-show rates, incorrect referral, etc. all have far-reaching consequences. Ineffective communication between clinical teams leads to poor health outcomes of patients and lost revenue for health systems. It is not a surprising fact, that more than half of the PCPs and Specialists are dissatisfied with the information they receive during a referral.

How to eliminate these challenges in the referral process?

A technological referral solution that offers end-to-end automation and is convenient for patients and providers is required to actively manage referrals and improve efficiency.

Healthcare providers need to adapt to an advanced technological solution that

–          is patient experience focused, process-driven, and easy to use

–          improves PCP, specialist experiences

–          has end-to-end referral workflow automation

–         intuitive dashboards with data insights and analytics

HealthViewX Patient Referral Management Solution is designed to help providers to focus on delivering high-quality coordinated care by keeping track of their patients throughout the care continuum. The solution makes the referral process efficient and simple with no burden on practice staff. It helps improve patient experience, reduces the burden on staff, improves operational efficiency, and overall benefits the health system in processing referrals.

Streamlining the patient referral process can help with

–          better care for individuals and the community as a whole

–          lowered cost and improved operational efficiency

–          reduced paperwork for referrals

–          awareness of in-network and out-of-network providers

–          improved patient experience and value-based care drive

–          better care coordination among providers

–          visibility into real-time data to understand referral patterns, referral staff performance, patient status tracking, and gaps in care.

HealthViewX Patient Referral Management Solution helps solve challenges in all stages of the referral workflow to meet the needs of the patients, healthcare providers, and payers, and also integrates seamlessly with all EMR systems. An intelligent end-to-end automated solution is essential for better provider connectivity, reducing network leakages, improving quality care, and better health outcomes.

Schedule a demo today with our experts to understand how our solution seamlessly solves challenges in the patient referral process.

The Role of Referral Management in Value-Based Health Care

What is Value-Based Care?

Value-Based Care is a care delivery model in which healthcare providers are paid based on the health outcomes of the patient. Value-based is a quality-based care model that drives “better health for all” and benefits the community, providers, and payers as a whole. Value-based care helps healthcare providers by helping patients improve their health and reduce the prevalence of chronic illness. This care model is a potential swap for fee-for-service reimbursement based on quality. The providers are paid based on the health outcomes of the patients and are rewarded for helping patients’ improve their health. The ultimate goal of value-based care is to optimize the care for the patient population.

What are the benefits of Value-Based Care?

For Patients – Reduced cost and better health outcomes

For Providers – Better patient satisfaction and improved care efficiencies

For Payers – Stronger control on costs and lowered risk

For Community – Reduced spend on healthcare and improved overall wellbeing

What is a Patient Referral Management Solution?

Patient Referral Management Solution is a patient referral tracking tool for end-to-end referral communication and management. The solution is designed for healthcare organizations to enable them to provide better care with a well-orchestrated customizable workflow. Its primary goal is to enhance and streamline interaction among all care providers involved in patient care for better patient outcomes.  

Role of Patient Referral Management Solution in Value-Based Care

Right from small to large, healthcare providers face a lot of challenges in their referral process. Poor communication and referral workflow among providers lead to diminished care quality and patient experience. Lack of timeliness of the information and inadequate patient information or reports all contribute to poor care continuity, patient dissatisfaction, and poor health outcomes.

A well-orchestrated and automated patient referral solution has the potential to transform referral workflows and help providers improve their patient health outcomes. It helps provide value-based care through better care coordination throughout the care journey. A referral management solution can help improve efficiency, reduce time spent on redundant tasks, cut down on overhead costs, reduce referral processing time thus helps both providers and patients. Streamlined workflows lead to better patient outcomes.  The prime objective of the solution is to improve patient-physician interaction and provide value-based care for better patient outcomes.

Why is Referral Management crucial for Healthcare Providers? 

Referral Management is very crucial for healthcare providers to track and manage referrals, and ensure better patient outcomes. Referral management is essential when

  • referring and receiving providers have different EMRs/EHRs
  • healthcare providers are coordinating between in-network and out-of-network providers
  • health systems are looking to improve patient health outcomes and reduce no-show rates
  • providers want to increase revenue and reduce operational cost
  • health systems want to focus on quality care by using value-based care models 

A major challenge in the current referral process is that most EMRs are not equipped enough to handle the end-to-end referral process. A referral management solution helps healthcare providers to track and manage their end-to-end referral process with complete transparency. The solution helps streamline workflow, reduce clinical errors/delays, cut down the processing time by automating multiple touchpoints, and obtain strategic data/facts for informed decision-making. The prime objective of the solution is to enhance communication among healthcare providers involved in patient care.

By leveraging technology the healthcare industry can provide value-based care for their patients and better patient experience. An end-to-end patient referral tracking ensures timely care, improves care coordination and better outcomes. HealthViewX referral management solution is designed to suit any practice, customized to meet user requirements, and enables data-driven decision support, and provides real-time insights of patient-reported data to promote better care delivery. Schedule a demo today to understand more about our HIPAA Compliant SaaS-based referral solution from our experts. 

Advantages FQHCs Gain From A Patient Referral Management Solution

Community health centers or federally qualified health centers provide critical primary care services to tens of millions of people every year. Their role in healthcare makes them necessary access points for patients coming into the vaster healthcare system. Let us see how these organizations use patient referral management systems to leverage their role as a crucial source of patient referrals and enhance the care they can provide for their populations.   

1. Making a more combined provider network:

Right from small to large, FQHCs are moving towards providing value-based care for their patients. Many FQHCs have discovered that requests for better care coordination with specialists go unheard until there is a change in the current referral process. FQHCs have realized that technology can provide them with the ability to differentiate from their competitors while helping them deliver quality care to their patients and closing referral loops. An efficient referral management solution will help them organize, quantify, and ultimately shape their referral stream and improve care coordination.

2. Improved patient support and access to care:

Insurance prior authorization is one of the major challenges in the patient referral process. Finding the right specialist, insurance prior authorization, ensuring the patient visits the specialist, getting the information back, and updating the information back to the EMR is all crucial inpatient care. A referral management solution helps FQHCs to automate end-to-end referral process and helps them close referral loops with ease. This improves patient experience and increases their access to quality care.

3. Improved referral workflows:

Many FQHCs lack care coordination in their current referral process. Manual processes are both time-consuming and tedious. Simplifying the referral workflow will not only help referral coordinators and patients but will also help the FQHC performance as a whole.

4. Better care coordination and patient outcomes:

In an efficient referral process, patients get the care they need. This involves referring the patient to the right provider, ensuring insurance pre-authorization, scheduling appointments, sending reminders, and updating the patient information back into the EHR. All these steps contribute to better care coordination and patient outcomes.

5. Increased referral loop closures and MU Credits:

Receiving a report from the provider to whom the patient was referred to and updating that information back into the EHR is critical for FQHCs. Referral loop closure is essential for better care coordination and will help FQHCs improve patient experience and outcomes. A referral solution that is MU stage 3 certified can help the practice with MU credits, as referral transferred using the platform can be counted for MU credits. 

Talk to our solution experts to know more about Patient Referral Management Solution.

Five Ways To Reduce Patient Referral Leakage In Hospitals And Health Systems

Hospitals and health systems know that referrals are critical for their business, and failing to manage referrals efficiently can result in loss of revenue. Healthcare providers are losing more than 20% of revenue to patients going out-of-network for care. Most of these hospitals and health systems do not know why and where referral leakage occurs.

It’s only within the past few years healthcare leaders see patient referral leakage as a major issue, and fixing it is their high priority – Missed appointments alone cost the US healthcare system $150 billion annually. Healthcare organizations do not have a solution in place to monitor, track, and report patient referral leakage. They use their electronic health records to monitor and track referral leakage rather than having specific solutions, but healthcare leaders are not happy about how their EHR performs in this particular area.

Today, most hospitals and health systems leverage technology to prevent revenue leakage due to inefficient referral process. Tracking patient referral leakage through a referral solution gives them a complete view of their end-to-end referral process.  Technology helps providers enhance care delivery, improve patient outcomes and use of data, and support collaborative workflows.

Here are five ways to reduce patient leakage:

Understand their referral patterns so far:

Organizations should analyze past data to understand their referral patterns. By tracking the right metrics they will not only gain valuable business acumen but also understand how the hospital is performing. Hospitals today use EHR to get this data but it is not streamlined enough to crunch all the data in a logical and meaningful way.

Improve care-coordination:

Effective and efficient communication is crucial in healthcare. Patients need to receive the right level of care from their care providers. It is important to communicate effectively with all who are actively involved in patient care.

Proceed with a data-driven approach:

A data-driven approach will have a sustainable competitive advantage over those who haven’t. The right way to make decisions is by looking at the data. Understand where the leakage is happening and if it is addressable. Health systems/ Hospitals need to use a data-driven approach to guide patient referrals to the best care option available within the network. Such an approach will help meet both the patients’ and hospital needs.

Use prognostic modeling to know the implications of future referral patterns:

Organizations need to understand how fixing referral patterns today may change future referral patterns by using predictive modeling. It’s essential to analyze how these alterations will impact patient flow, care delivery and coordination with referring providers and payers.

Include it as strategic precedence and discuss at the executive level:

Patient leakage more often gets lost among other priorities at the executive level. Organizations need to make patient referral leakage a strategic priority. Top management should drive change and ensure necessary steps are taken to address this challenge.  

Tracking and understanding referral patterns will help the large hospitals streamline and manage high- overall performance referral networks, decrease patient leakage and notably impact care quality.

HealthViewX Patient Referral Management Solution smoothens the referral process and solves most operational challenges for Large Enterprise Hospitals. Do you want to know more about HealthViewX HIPAA-compliant Patient Referral Management Solution? Schedule a demo now!